Friday, March 5, 2010


"I am the wind which rustles your hair. I am the sun which warms your body. I am the rain which dances on your face. I am the smell of flowers in the air, and I am the flowers which send their fragrance upward. I am the air which carries the fragrance. I am the beginning of your first thought. I am the end of your last . I am the idea which sparked your most brilliant moment. I am the glory of its fulfillment. I am the feeling which fueled the most loving thing you ever did. I am the part of you which yearns for that feeling again and again.
Whatever works for you, whatever makes it happen -whatever ritual, ceremony, demonstration, meditation, thought, song, word, or action it takes for you to "reconnect"- do this. Do this in remembrance of me ."
Conversations with God trilogy-Second volume